The Mysterious Lever: Class: The Duster

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Class: The Duster

The game world is constantly observing the player characters, viewing their interactions, forming opinions, and reacting accordingly. Most of the time, the characters want to put their best persona forward, as to be viewed in the best light. Other times, they might not want to be viewed at all. Controlling how the world sees the PCs can greatly impact how they respond to them. Enter the Duster, one of Hostargo's must unique classes.

A Duster's job is essentially information security. They put good information out front, and hide anything the party wants kept secret. They are responsible for hiding character actions, such as movement through hostile territory, the motives for asking for information, or simply covering up any collateral damage the party might have caused. In addition, they boost public opinion of the group's organization, talking up their heroics or even fabricating stories to serve a purpose.

Dusters have two paths for progression: Obfuscation and Spotlight. Obfuscation is a skill that can be used for any action regarding stealth, diversion of attention, or fabrication of information. Spotlight is an ability that can boost the social actions of other characters. Both of these core functions provide the class with a unique role in the party, no matter what kind of calling the Duster is backed by.

Having a Duster in the party means the characters will have a much easier time controlling encounters, avoiding unwanted trouble while driving a straight path towards their goals.

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