The Mysterious Lever: The Cartographer's Guild

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Cartographer's Guild

Yesterday was a large step forward.  I sat down, worked for many hours, and actually got some things on the TODO list done.

My biggest accomplishment was reorganizing my character creation processes, and fleshing out more of the details of each step.  I currently have ten "steps" to character creation - each with unique options for both mechanical and non-mechanical character differences.  I didn't quite get through all of the steps' details, but that's my goal for today (everything except character classes anyway).

I also started the processes of looking for a cartographer: someone that can make a map of the world Hostargo lives in.  That's not something you usually get to say these days, and so I was unsure of where to start.  I first posted an ad to a couple G+ groups, and got some comments but no one really jumping up and down for work.  A quick google search, however, revealed that there's a huge online community over at The Cartographer's Guild.  It was quick and easy to sign up, post an ad, and within the hour I had e-mails start pouring in (I exaggerate, but it was a lot more than I was expecting).

Now my problem was that I had to choose between all of these nice people.  In fact I'm not done doing so, as there's still one last pricing I'd like to get from someone.  These people are incredibly talented, with so many different styles and methods like you wouldn't believe.  And they - so far - have been really nice in talking about their craft.  Quite the pleasure!

My side quest didn't make much progress, unfortunately.  It's at a point in the design stage where I have everything I want down on paper, but none of it's coming together at the end.  It's very unfortunate, as I was excited about it: a samurai strategy game where the two swordsman run at each other and, just like the epic movies/anime, only slash once before pausing... and only one of them falls.  I was going to call it "Single Slash", but unless a random spark of inspiration hits, I'm not going to dwell on it too much this week.

Overall, I'm just getting the ball rolling.  Day 2 will consist of more character creation goodness, at the end of which I hope to share with ya'll a least a bit of some of the choices you'll have during that process.


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