The Mysterious Lever: When September Ends

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

When September Ends

This past Grandcon was my biggest success with Hostargo. I ran games, and had a blast. All of the feedback was about specific abilities or setting details, rather than mechanics, the character sheet, or rules really much at all. The game is nearly complete, and I need to push that last 20% that will take 80% of the effort. This design blog is no longer a priority as I head into the detailed finale of the project, including a campaign playtest, additional artwork, worldbuilding, and writing the actual book text.

I'm well on my way. I have a group that is going to play every other week on Mondays starting in October. I have no more obligations other than to finish tweaks, organize, and write the book text. We've crested the design hilltop and are sailing down that slope at top speed.

Of course there's the giant hill on the other side, called Kickstarter and self-publishing. Let's just hope I have enough momentum at this point to get my puny kart up that hill.


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